Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Great Bell Chant

The Great Bell Chant

May the sound of this bell penetrate deeply into the cosmos
In even the darkest places, may living beings hear it clearly
So that understanding comes to their heart, and without hardship
They transcend the cycle of birth and death

Listening to the bell I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve
My mind becomes calm, my body relaxed, and a smile is born on my lips
Following the sound of the bell, my breath guides me back to the safe island of mindfulness
In the garden of my heart the flower of peace blooms beautifully

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

John Daido Loori 1931 - 2009

John Daido Loori, author, artist, Zen Master founder and abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery in Mount Tremper, New York. Died at Zen Mountain Monastery on the 9th October 2009. One of the most influential Zen masters in the West, he had been diagnosed with lung cancer eighteen months earlier. Under John Daido Loori’s direction, Zen Mountain Monastery has grown to be one of the leading Zen monasteries in America, widely noted for its unique way of integrating art and Zen practice.
