Friday, September 05, 2014

Touching the Stillness in Suffering

When the dark clouds of suffering cover our skies and we experience fear, happiness, anxiety, anger, love.... ask yourself how many emotions can we experience in one day, in one hour, in one minute? Our emotional roller coaster is a fundamental part of who we are. And yet, for so many of us, dealing with our feelings is nothing short of staring in our own personal Greek tragedy! 

But if we can just step back and take a seagulls eye view of our suffering we would see that our pain and suffering is a gateway to deep understanding. We are not our emotions, we are not our anger. So when it’s time to suffer, let your self suffer; when it’s time to cry, let your self cry. Cry completely. Cry until you can cry no more tears, and then recognise in your exhaustion that you’re alive. The sun still rises and sets, seasons come and go, absolutely nothing remains the same and that includes our suffering. When the suffering ends wisdom begins to find the right answers. 

If we consider our emotions..... happiness, anxiety, anger, love, stress, fear, to be seeds that germinate in the garden of our consciousness, then we can learn to nurture the seeds of love and compassion, and not hold on to the seeds that cause our suffering, we can let them rise to the surface and then wither away.