Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Developing Stillness 11.

Sowing The Seeds.....

To read books and “know” about mindfulness is to be like the gardener walking into a garden center and reading the information on the back of a packet of seeds.

To “practice” mindfulness, is to be like the gardener who prepares the soil and nourishes the seeds.

But to have mindfulness as "part of your daily life" is to be like the gardener who reaps the benefit of a bountiful harvest.

In the practice of Tai Chi/Qigong we practice “mindfulness of movement”, and with the concentration of the breath we turn the mindfulness of movement into a deep meditation that touches the vast ocean of stillness that lies within.  
Leon Edwards

© The Stillness Project

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Developing Stillness 10

The Mindfulness of drinking tea…..

Tea is the product of the whole universe the earth the sky and much hard work….

The “terroir” of tea refers to the environmental conditions the tea grows in, the sunlight, rain, wind, clouds earth type, and minerals, everything that nourishes the tea bush and gives tea its unique taste. In the act of adding hot water to tealeaves we create an intimate dialogue between man and nature. Drinking our tea mindfully we elevate tea from the mundane to the spiritual and create a state of “Wa” – harmony, “Kei” – respect, “Sei” – purity, and “Jaku” – tranquility.
Leon Edwards

© The Stillness Project