Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wet days and Qigong ways

Saturday and it is raining outside, it seems to have been raining for ever, but I get up at the same time every morning so when my wife and the boys are asleep I go into the front room and work through the daoyin and qigong exercises before doing the 8, 16 and the BCCMA 24 posture forms.

Xu Xiangcai says “Qigong, as an art of healing and health preservation, is thought to have originated as early as four thousand years ago in the Tang Yao times as a form of dancing. Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals or Lu's History (Lu Shi Chun Qiu) records: In the beginning of the Tao Tang Tribes, the sun was often shut off by heavy clouds and it rained all the time; turbulent waters overflowed the rivers' banks. People lived a gloomy and dull life and suffered from rigidity of their joints. As a remedy dancing was recommended. From the experience of their long-term struggle with nature, the ancients gradually realized that body movements, exclamations, and various ways of breathing could help readjust certain bodily functions. For example, imitating animal movements such as climbing, looking about, and leaping was found to promote a vital flow of Qi.”

Four thousand years ago the ancient ones practiced Qigong in caves to keep healthy when the weather prevented them from going out, what is the difference now?

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