Friday, May 04, 2007

Stress, Stress and even more Stress

Again I am at a loss as to how some people cope with all the stress in their lives, I find out about three men and their problems.

The first man went back to Greece with his wife and young daughter, after visiting his mother and father, (prior to the Easter celebrations,) he drove his wife and daughter to his mother in law and whilst he was there, received a phone call to say his father had just died. His holiday was spent dealing with father’s death and arranging a funeral, then had to jump on to an airplane and fly back to the UK 2000 miles away. Now back here he is racked with guilt, I should have gone home earlier, if I had seen a doctor he might be still living. He is now back at work in a very stressful job, doing part time study at university level and is not sleeping. How much will he take before he blows a fuse?

The second man is already about to blow his fuse, he is angry confused struggling with coming to terms with his past and is crying out for help, he says he’s ready to pack everything in and “bugger off”, but where does he run to? And what will he do when he gets there?

The third man I found in rather a tearful state reading a book from “Relate”, sounding as though things are already over between him and his wife. He desperately wants to keep things together and does not want his marriage to end, but who can he talk to? How does he release the emotional energy that is building up inside? Where can he go from here? I know that with Relate he will be in good hands and Marriage guidance is not my forte but helping him with the stress is where I am able to help in a practical way.

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