Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Health Benifits of Tai Chi 1. Asthma

Question from Jill:
Hi Cloud, Can Taichi help asthmatics, which I am, and panics, When I used to go to a church that did healing all the healers would be in a room doing tai chi, before doing healing.

Thank you for your message. Yes, Tai Chi can help asthma sufferers and help with panic attacks. Qigong and its sister Tai Chi has been a cornerstone for traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. It is possible that your healers use the same principles as does practitioners of Qigong and of Ayurvedic medicine from India. Tai Chi, (and Yoga), combines three major components, movement, meditation, and deep breathing; each is beneficial to the individual in a number of ways.

Movement - In Tai Chi all the major muscle groups and joints are exercised with the slow, gentle movements in tai chi improving balance, agility, strength, flexibility, stamina, muscle tone, and coordination. It is a low-impact, weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and can slow bone loss, thus preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Meditation - Research shows that meditation soothes the mind, enhances concentration, reduces anxiety, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

Deep breathing - The combination of deep breathing and movement increases chest expansion and encourages greater air flow, an increased amount stale air and toxins is exhaled from the lungs allowing an increased inhalation of fresh air. The lung capacity is increased by stretching the intercostal muscles involved in breathing and releasing tension. It also enhances blood circulation to the brain, which boosts mental alertness. At the same time, the entire body is supplied with fresh oxygen and nutrients. The deep breathing of tai chi regulates the respiratory system, helping to treat respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema.

1 comment:

woodzee said...

I've touched on Qi Gong while studying Kung Fu several years ago. I only learnt a few excercises and whether it really is about the mind removing negative energy from of the body or not. In my personal experience found they really did release pent up muscular tension.