Sunday, July 28, 2013

Developing Stillness 2

The Pathway out of Stress.
"What causes "you" stress and what causes "me" stress are completely different to what causes "them" stress. We all suffer from stress and there are a million and one things that cause stress. When we are stressed we rush here and there blindly in our own mind made stress bubble, restless in our hectic 24/7 life styles and we do not see it. We have become used to such life styles. When we over burden the senses, we turn to drink and other pleasures and we are becoming ill. When that short term relief, disappears then we are back to normal, high blood pressure, high pulse rate, high respiratory rate.

Stillness on the other hand is a gift, a time when we can just "be", a time when body and mind heals its self. Stillness is the same for all of us, "Your" Stillness, "My" Stillness and "Their Stillness" is all the same, we are if you like swimming in a sea of Stillness. Stillness it is there all around us, all the time, like the radio waves transmitted from BBC. But just as how it is necessary to tune a radio in to a particular station, so we have to learn to tune our body and mind into the vast resource that is Stillness.

The Practice of Touching Stillness..... Touching Stillness, through the practice of Qigong, Tai Chi and Meditation,  slows the body and slows the mind, allowing our respiratory rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure to decrease.  We find we have time for ourselves, a time for the body and mind to heal it self, to find peace and tranquility and to nourish the seeds of health, love, peace and happiness".

Stillness is with you all the time, all you have to do is to practice it.

Leon Edwards
© The Stillness Project

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