Thursday, March 08, 2007

Amongst White Clouds

On returning from my morning walk I found a package from Canada in the mail box, the DVD "Amongst White clouds" has finally arrived. Since the time of the Yellow Emperor, some five thousand years ago, China’s remote Zhongnan Mountains have been home to recluses, enlightened Buddhist and Taoist Masters, monks and students who live in isolated hermitages dotting the peaks and valleys of the Zhongnan Mountain range. "Amongst White Clouds" shows the tradition of China's forgotten Zen Buddhist hermit’s of the Zhongnan Mountains, the hardship they endure as well as the joy, humour and compassion of the everyday lives of the Buddhist monks living in the Zhongnan Mountains.

The film was inspired by the book "Road to Heaven, encounters with Chinese Hermits" by Bill Porter. Road to Heaven is a brilliant book with lots of stories about the lives of early and present day Buddhist and Taoist hermit monks, Temples in the Zhongnan mountains. The sad part about the book is the lack of references, there are a few but I would like to follow the thread of some of the stories, eg. The meeting of the 88 year old Lao-tzi with the young Confucius (p37), and an interesting link between Taoism and Buddhism “After Lao-tzu joined the immortals, he was reborn Shakyamuni…” (p63). The recorded dialogue between Bill Porter and the Buddhist and Taoist hermit monks and their life in the Chungnan Mountains makes for interesting reading

In my view the film adds extra colour to the book, but in its own right the film is fascinating.

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