Friday, March 23, 2007

Finding Happiness

Many believe that happiness is only possible when they have achieved certain objectives: finding a loving partner, landing a well paid job, attaining status at work or in the community, buying a new car, having nice holiday. I believe happiness, joy and peace come from being completely present in the Here and Now. Peace and happiness arise from the simplicity of just being and avoiding the internal mental commentary we carry in our minds through out our daily lives.

Happiness can be achieved directly, in any circumstances, right now. It is not an objective that you reach after long endurance, but a process that you participate in here and now. It is under your nose. True happiness is a peaceful state which arises when the anxieties of everyday life are quietened. A happy mind is naturally a peaceful mind.

From the moment of our birth, our minds become full of habits; the habit of unhappiness arises when our mind is focused on past unhappy experiences or fears about the future. When we dwell on our habitual unhappy mind, we fail to see that suffering is often the result of wrong perceptions. By focusing on and practising positive states of mind, we encourage our own mind to make new habits, "happy habits", and we begin to transform our lives. Therefore happiness is not a matter of faith, but a matter of practice.

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