Friday, January 20, 2012

8 Ways To Feel Grounded.

The Secret of being Grounded in the Here and Now

When we have an over active mind that will not rest, when we get easily agitated and feel our world is collapsing in on us, we need to still that energy. At other times when our mind wonders and we cannot think, then our thoughts are like drifting clouds, we need to concentrate our energy……..

The act of Grounding allows us the opportunity to "inhabit" our body and be firmly anchored in the present moment, to feel connected to the world around us. In The Stillness Project sessions, I refer to “Centering Body and Mind”, we all have the capacity to feel centered within us, to feel grounded in the here and now. The trick to being grounded is to consistently use our awareness and “Center Body and Mind”, then practice and cultivate it.

In the beginning our natural thinking habits, daydreaming, agitation, or losing our self in our thoughts is intrusive, but with practice we begin to notice when our “monkey mind” starts to take control, and when it does, gently center your mind and your body in the present moment, concentrate on your breathing and feel the earth beneath your feet. Gently bring yourself back to this present moment, there’s no need for reprimands tell the Monkey Mind “I know your there, everything is OK”.

1. Practice Tai Chi, Qigong exercises in the open air and concentrate on your breathing.

2. Practice and walk barefoot, feel the ground beneath your feet.

3. Walk mindfully. Place your awareness on your steps; on the feeling and sensation of walking. When your mind wanders, bring it back to the act of walking.

4. Sit or lay on the ground. Feel the stability and substantiality of the earth. Breathe it in. Let the feeling of being grounded permeate your whole being. Practice breath awareness, feel the movement of your lower abdomen as you breathe and count your breaths.

5. Engage in a relaxation exercise like a body scan meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.

6. Scan your body and be aware of the touch, the pressure, the changes occurring in your body as your muscles release and relax.

7. Share precious moments with another person, a place, or a pet.

8. Exercise in the open air, by the sea, in a woodland or by a lake.

Remember, start with just one activity that you find easy and enjoyable and integrate that practice into your daily routine. Set an achievable goal to practice and make it fun, this is a gift to your self. Give it a go, Breathe deep and enjoy your life.

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