Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Benefits of Meditation

The art of meditation is the art of Shifting
the focus of attention to ever Subtler levels,
without loosing one’s grip
On the levels left behind.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

The therapeutic benefits of meditation are now well documented and are known to relieve a number of “mind made illnesses” including anxiety and heart disease as well as bring an inner freedom and personal transformation to the individual by opening the door to our consciousness and revealing aspects of our inner selves that have laid dormant for most of our lives. This can be quite liberating, the process of spring cleaning our mind can uncover deeply ingrained feelings, habits and prejudices and help us to recognize them and let go of them, giving us an inner stillness and peace of mind.

Although the benefits are many, there should be no desire achieve goals of any kind in our practice of meditation. Zen uses the term Mushotoku, which means "without any goal or profit-seeking" we should not seek any benefits from these moments, but just simply be. Just concentrate, focus and breathe. The by product of our practice over time being an improvement in:

  • Our emotional wellbeing
  • Stress relief
  • Lowering our anxiety levels
  • Controlling our anger
  • Reducing depression
  • Self confidence
  • Improving our self esteem

Mushotoku: The optimum state for Zen practice, in which there is no goal or object, no intention for self gain or profit.

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