Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Breathe deep, take the challenge and change your life!

When the sun shines, it is a beautiful day.
When it rains, it is a beautiful day.
When it snows it is a beautiful day.
When storm driven waves come crashing
On to the shore, it is a beautiful day.
When the light goes out at the end of the tunnel,
And life does not seem worth living, it is a beautiful day.
There is something beautiful in everything,
We have only to look.

Even when something may seem completely without beauty, lacking in virtue, or without merit of any kind, somewhere there is beauty and virtue and merit. And when life seems so bleak that there is no light at the end of the tunnel and life is not worth living, very often it is our perception of a situation, person, or thing that defines what we feel at that moment in time. If we change our perception and look, we will find beauty and virtue in every thing.

Wisdom, love and compassion is more important than the ability fight and win battles. Martial art or conflict between nations, the ability to heal, mend, and repair what is broken goes far beyond the ability to fight or cause conflict. One of the fundamental tenants of Tai-Chi-Quan is harmony, internally and externally. This coupled with a non-contentious spirit is more powerful than any martial practice on its own.

Take a moment and consider what is really the truth. Breathe deep, take the challenge, change your life.

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