Saturday, September 16, 2006

learn to laugh, learn to relax

What are the first thoughts that go through your mind when you see the photograph below? "My kind of car....." Did it make you smile? Did it make you think "What on earth...?" and laugh. If after a hard day at work you saw the photo or something like it and you smiled to your self, then you have already started to relax. If I put a picture of a Ferrari or a battle scene in a war zone instead of the photograph below, then you would have totally different thoughts occupying your mind.

Now take a look at the photograph of the "Bamboo raft and basket" and then the "Water lily at Bystock Lake" and look inside your mind, as you look at photographs think, How do they make me feel?. Did the photograph of the Raft and the basket make me feel relaxed, and the water lily did it make me feel peaceful? May be they did, may be they didn't, either way the important thing is to find something to make you smile and relax and to drain away tension.

I photographed the vehicle in a small village in Guilin, China, back in March. There are any number of small general purpose agricultural vehicles like this one, loaded to the gunnel's with agricultural produce carrying vegetables and crates of chicken to local "Farmers markets" this one was waiting to load river rafts and take them back up stream.

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