Sunday, September 10, 2006

Holding the balloon.

When we are worried, our minds are in a constant state of turmoil; one thought is replaced immediately by another then another and another and we become like a balloon blown here and there in the wind.

When our mind is not peaceful, we find it very difficult to be happy. Our modern 24/7 stress filled world is slowly making us sick. There are so many reasons for us to become despondent and irritated. We allow ourselves to become bitter and angry when we allow stress to dominate our lives. When we start to feel that life is treating us badly we become unhappy, depressed, or even suicidal.

But with the systematic training required in meditation, tai chi and qigong the delusions that are the causes of all our problems and our suffering are eventually eradicated from our mind and we experience a permanent inner peace. With regular meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong practice, our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful. We create an inner peace and clarity that enables us to control our mind regardless of the external circumstances. We develop a peaceful mind free from worries and mental stress, and experience a purer form of inner happiness.

We stop the “balloon being blown on the wind”.

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